Do you live above or below the line?


Many people live below the line and don’t even realize it.

Are you one of them?

Take a minute to really read the image below.

Being below the line isn’t always as obvious as you might think.

It might look like giving “reasons” (excuses), finding fault when you’re also to blame, doing nothing when you could act to resolve a situation, or thinking everything is out of your control when it’s not.

When it comes to being above or below the line, you ALWAYS have a choice.

And even if you didn't choose an outcome, you can always choose what you do next.

Let me tell you a story:

Years ago, I attended an event where a woman spoke about getting laid off from a job that she *loved* after 11 years. 11 years!

No one would have blamed her if she wallowed for a while, but she didn't sit around feeling bad for herself.

She took a road trip across the country. She saw everything she always wanted to see. She didn’t live in scarcity.

By the time she got back, she had decided to start her own business. She said it’s hard. Every single day is hard when you’re doing something scary and new.

And yet, she's happier than she ever imagined she could be.

I had tears in my eyes listening to her.

She got up during the crowd-sourced portion of this event—meaning hadn't planned to speak—and told her story in front of 100 or so people.

I thought: that woman lives above the line.

I want to be just like her.

I want to live above the line, too. Every single day.

Do you?

Jackie Hermes