Episode 13. A tactical guide to auditing your circle

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In this S*%! People Say episode, we talk a little more in-depth about the importance of auditing your circle of friends. Remember that not every person you meet will remain friends with you for the rest of your life—and that’s exactly how it should be.

Keep the people around who inspire you every day, the ones who make you a better person. Alternatively, some people are toxic (or maybe you’re just toxic for each other) and should be removed from your life for a variety of reasons. It’s important to do this to move forward with both your goals and your personal growth.

With this in mind, I have a little exercise that will help you know who to keep and let go of—make sure you listen in for these tips.


Episode Highlights

  • 2:09 - Just because someone is nice doesn't mean that you must keep in touch with them and it doesn’t mean that you should dedicate your precious/limited time to maintaining a friendship

  • 2:45 - People that are negative, or people that actively work against you have to be removed from your circle. Sometimes people just light up your nervous system in a bad way.

  • 4:21 - Something that successful people do, but most of the general population doesn’t, is adding people to their circle that represent what they want in the future or who they want to be.

  • 7:50 - Be patient, be persistent, be kind, be giving, and be grateful if they do give you their time.

SoloJackie Hermes