Episode 237. Co-leading a business while staying in sync w/ Jenny Weeden


This episode of The Art of Entrepreneurship is for anyone who has or is thinking about bringing in a partner in your business.

My guest today is Jenny Weeden, President of Accelity and former pod guest. Jenny and I discuss the origin stories of our journeys with Accelity, the personal and professional growth we’ve experienced together, and how to navigate and find comfort in deeply intertwined working relationships. We also dive into the challenges of adjusting to our new co-owner relationship and celebrate this exciting milestone.

Tune in for insights on managing personal and professional boundaries, tips on evolving your career within a company, and advice on overcoming entrepreneurial challenges.

About Jenny Weeden

Jenny Weeden is President and Partner at Accelity, a marketing agency focused on growing scaling businesses. She understands startups and scaling companies, having been a first-time small business entrepreneur as a co-founder of Women’s Entrepreneurship Week, a week dedicated to connecting, supporting and empowering women professionals in the Milwaukee area.

In her free time, Jenny loves volunteering at Kinship Community Food Center and, as a proud UW-Madison alumni, cheering on the Wisconsin Badgers.

Visit Jenny’s: Website; LinkedIn


InterviewJackie Hermes