Episode 134. What to do when nothing goes as planned


How do you deal when your plans don’t work out? Frankly, this happens all the time, but I feel like it’s showing up in my life a lot lately. If it’s happening to you too, this episode is for you. 

When things don’t go how you expected, you have two options: either shut down, or go into problem solving mode. It’s easy to want to throw in the towel, especially when the unexpected leads to more getting added to your place. But with the right tools, you can kick the problem’s butt. 

In this episode, I’ll share the strategies that help me when my plans go out the window (like how I dealt with my baggage fiasco in Rome or the professional challenges I returned to). Remember: everything always works out.

If you like this episode, check out these resources.

SoloJackie Hermes