Episode 53. Why do we procrastinate?


In this episode of Big Questions, Short Answers, we are talking about a habit that most of us are probably guilty of: procrastinating. 

Are you a big procrastinator? Confession: I always have been, and I’ve carried this bad habit into my professional life. But when you’re building your own business, you really can’t afford to wait until the last minute to do the work. There’s often a root cause behind why you’re procrastinating, and I found it helps to dig into what’s really going on to avoid last-minute chaos. 

At the end of this episode, I will give you some tips on how to stop procrastinating and actually enjoy the million tasks that we all have to do on a daily basis. Hopefully these tools help you eliminate (or at least reduce) the amount that you procrastinate. 


Episode highlights

  • 1:20 What is procrastination?

  • 2:05 My experiences with procrastination (learn from my mistakes!)

  • 4:10 What I’ve learned about procrastination and why we do it

  • 6:50 How to eliminate procrastination

SoloJackie Hermes