5 badass people to watch on LinkedIn


I’ve been on LinkedIn for years but really didn’t start using it to its full potential until mid-2018. I started my career as a recruiter—so I had a decent-sized network already and was doing absolutely nothing with it. It’s been absolutely insane how much this platform has transformed my business and how many awesome people I’ve met in the last six months… so I’m excited to share who I’m watching on LinkedIn.

Here are five badass people I’m paying attention to this year:

Brittany Hoffman

As you can tell, I’m very much a no-bullshit kind of person (understatement of the year). And there’s plenty of it on every social media platform… unfortunately, LinkedIn is no exception.

Enter Brittany. She has the experience to back up everything that she talks about and more importantly, she walks the walk more than she talks the talk. I love people that show their worth through their work. Brittany is a personal branding and growth expert that has worked with people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Marie Forleo and Tom Bilyeu.

Allen Gannett

Allen is super authentic and incredibly knowledgeable. He is a master at cramming in a ton of value in a very short amount of time, which is perfect for entrepreneurs and business people alike that are trying to learn on LinkedIn. He founded TrackMaven, now serves as the Chief Strategy Officer of Skyword, is a bestselling author and has interviewed some of the most creative minds in the world. Be sure to follow Allen for creative inspiration.

Chantel Soumis

I like Chantel because there is absolutely no one else like her on LinkedIn. I follow her because she genuinely seems like a great human and she brings a lot of value to her followers. Chantel is an expert at bringing creativity to marketing, an advocate for the differently-abled community and the founder of a marketing agency based out of Madison, Wisconsin. I love seeing people like this making an impact right here in my home state!

Swish Goswami

Swish is in his early 20s and has accomplished more in his career than many will in their lifetime. He’s already a serial tech entrepreneur, speaker and venture capitalist (wow!). If all that wasn’t enough, he’s also been named one of Canada's 20 Under 20 and won Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Swish puts a unique spin on what it’s like being an entrepreneur, and his raw content makes him a must-follow.

Tima Elhajj

Tima often speaks about growth, mindset and overcoming limitations. Her mission is to help people around the world truly understand that their potential is limitless, and she is definitely accomplishing this goal. Tima inspires me and many others with her coaching, videos, articles and podcast.

Those are some of the people that I have my eye on this year. Who are you following, and who else should I add to my list?

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